Drinking water while standing causes fast reaching in the food canal affect normal activities of the body
It affects the normal activity of the digestive system also
It causes the normal activity of the kidneys,Event it can alter the filtration rate also.

Recent studies saying that it is better to avoid drinking water while standing.
It causes accumulation of waste products over the body and blood.
Drinking water while standing can cause arthritis also.

It is a  fact that prophet Muhamed(s) strictly prohibited it before 1400 years.
أخرج الإمام مسلم في صحيحه بسند عن أنس رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلّ الله عنه أنه نهى أن يشرب الرجل قائمًا قال قتادة فقلنا لأنس فالأكل فقال أشر و أخبث


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